Showcase your opportunities for potential vendors / supply chain players / ancillaries / entrepreneurs for requirements related to job work, contract manufacturing, raw material supply, packaging and logistics etc.
- Large and medium scale organization based out of the State of Odisha
- Indian & International organisations showcase the latest in -
- Service Sectors: E-Commerce Platforms, Banks and NBFCs, Microfinance Institutions, Lending Agencies
- International organisations, Multilateral agencies, Trade Departments of key countries
- Departments of the State Government of Odisha
Exhibitor Profile
Enterprise Odisha 2023 will be an especially important business opportunity for players in the following areas:
- Automobiles & auto-components
- Mechanical and electrical capital goods
- Chemicals & petrochemicals
- Green energy equipment
- Ancillary and downstream in metal sector
- Specialty steel and its products
- Rare earth minerals based valueadded products
- Financial services
- Safety solution manufacturers
- Sustainability solutions & Energy efficiency products
- Wind, solar, battery & storage solutions
- Supply chain
- Job work
- Contract manufacturing
- Ancillaries
- Railways
- Defence
- Various Departments of Govt. of Odisha
(Business & CSR Opportunities)
- E-Commerce platforms
- Trade Departments of key countries
- GeM & TReDS
- Banks & NBFCs
- Micro Financial Institutions
- Lending agencies
- CII Market Facilitation Centre
- CII Centres of Excellence
Visitor Profile
- CEOs and Senior Management officials of Industries
- Purchasing Managers of Industries
- Vendor Development Managers of E-Commerce Companies
- Defence Procurement Managers
- Diplomatic Community
- Central and State Government Officials
- Overseas and Domestic Distributors
- Overseas Trade Delegation
- Civil Society